Return to course: Income Optimisation
Income Optimisation
Nursing home
The impact of nursing home registration and how to solve the problem
CQRS validation
Background information and links
Why do you need to review CQRS submission data?
What is the process for reviewing the data?
Personally Administered items
Background information and links
Why do you need to review the personally administered items data?
What is the process for reviewing the data?
FP34D items
Background information and links
Why do you need to review the FP34D data?
What is the process for reviewing the data?
QOF Vaccinations
Prevalence losing you money
How prevalence chasing doesn't lead to increased income
Working smarter
Setting up an effective recall system with pre-consultation data collection
Dealing with HbA1c results
Dealing with Vitamin D results
Dealing with TSH results
Dealing with TSH results
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Course Overview