005. COVID Vaccination Programme

We have updated our COVID spring booster searches to help you find cohorts for invitation. Check out our latest COVID search folder in your site (005. COVID vaccination programme v9), where you’ll find a new subfolder called S) Invite for SPRING booster. Inside you’ll find 3 searches to cover the 3 high priority groups, with an additional search practices may find useful to think about identifying an associated cohort that has been eligible in the Autumn booster campaign.

For further information, please read support article.

New QOF/IIF Resources 2023/24

Exciting news for GP practices! Introducing our new suite of resources from Primary Care IT to help you easily achieve QOF and IIF targets.

  • Comprehensive reporting searches for the new QOF and IIF 23/24 year.
  • Informative lessons for clinicians, covering all the changes in an easy-to-digest format.
  • Alerts and prompts to ensure timely achievement and accurate data entry.
  • QOF Contract Pro for continuous monitoring and proactive performance management.
  • Contract dashboards coming in June, providing valuable insights into your QOF and IIF performance.

We will be rolling out the searches to Subscribers over the next few days. If we have access to your search and report enterprise, you can now find the searches under the Primary Care IT folder.

Watch this short video to find out more details.

Safety Alert

Following yesterday’s Safety Alert about Emerade, we would like to draw your attention to an existing search “CQC-335 Emerade AAI issued since 2019 & no alternative brand replacement”. This, combined with report CQC-331 will identify which patients have had Emerade as their most recent AAI device.

If you think you may be prescribing generically, please contact PCIT for a similar search.

HP211 Priority for COVID booster

Primary Care IT are pleased to announce the release of our latest optional Handy Protocol, ‘Priority for COVID vaccination’ patient alert. This protocol alert highlights to users if the patient they are facing is eligible for a COVID booster under the spring programme.

See our support article for more information.

To request installation, please submit a ticket on our website.

PSD letters added

We are pleased to announce the release of our Patient Specific Directions (PSD) documents. Requested by a PM in Manchester, our PSDs cover areas such as B12, Salbutamol, PPV & Shingles. We’ve rolled these documents out to all subscribers. For EMIS, these can be accessed through the OneLauncher NonPrescriber. For SystmOne, these are embedded in the relevant template.

For full information on the OneLauncher NP (Including a list of PSDs), please see support article.

029. Patient Facing Services

We are pleased to release our new searches, including 029 Patient Facing Services. This suite of searches performs several functions; to monitor overall uptake, to monitor activity of core online services such as prescription requests and appointments, to highlight young patients whose online accounts require urgent attention. For further details, read here.

HP041 Consent to Share Info Status

We are pleased to announce the release of an updated Handy Protocol – HP041 Consent to share data.

This will be useful to help manage prospective records access effectively. The protocol will flag at the beginning of any new consultation if the patient has any consent to share information with a specified third party codes in their record. This will allow the clinician to check this consent each time the patient is seen, and also bear in mind any concerns or considerations around this consent during the consultation.

This is an optional handy protocol, so please request install in the PCIT Hub or submit a ticket to request this here.

For further information, you can read the support article