
#63 PCIT Gems: GP Contract Update 2024/25 l Webinar recording & useful support guides

Weekly Hints and Tips

GP Contract Update 2024/25

We wanted to highlight our supporting resources for this years contract, including a detailed overview of the GP Contract 2024/25. This covers the changes to QOF, income protection, PCN DES, flu and weight management.Available for all (Subscribers and Non-Subscribers):

If you are a PCIT toolset Subscriber, we have a range of supporting resources just for you! Head to the Knowledge Base on our website where you will find:

  • Contract document support – support articles for each of the contractual areas for 2024/25
  • QOF indicator support – all the information you need for every QOF indicator
  • IIF indicator support

Did you watch our webinar this week?

Thank you to those of you who attended our GP Contract Change 2024/25 webinar this week. We had an amazing attendance! We hope you found it helpful. Please find the recording below and remember to share with your colleagues.

Want further information?

We had a lot of requests after the webinar for more information on our toolset and individual demos. If you are interested in becoming a PCIT toolset subscriber and see what we have to offer, then we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch or request a demo.

For those of you who are existing subscribers and have any queries on the contract changes, please submit a support ticket

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